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Ban Horse Slaughter in the US.

The abuse of racehorses and horse slaughter go hand-in-hand. 

 Many racehorses of all breeds that are not "useful" anymore are sent to slaughter, and abusive owners will only prosper more.  Please consider signing this petition.

Click here to visit the petition's webpage.

"Tapeta" footing is an excellent example of how racetracks are revolutionizing and ameliorating the way horses race by preventing fatal injuries to both the horse and rider.  

Instead of the hard impacting standard footing a dirt track has, Tapeta tracks have a layered system that reduces maintenance to the track.  Therefore, it is more easily ready to perform on.

Today, racetracks, arenas, and more equestrians facilities are using this footing all over the world, and more and more racetracks switch over to this footing every year.

I was privileged to visit a Thoroughbred breeding and training facility recently, and they had just installed this new footing. When walking on it, I felt like I was on a cloud, and the horses seemed to feel that way, too.

Image Source -


NTRA adds their own aftercare program for racehorses!

Recently, the National Thoroughbred Racing Association has added a new addition to their safety and Integrity alliance Program. Titled the "aftercare program", through their main website, you can research several adoption programs, organizations, and common questions concerning the welfare of racing thoroughbreds and what future careers they could have. 

This is such an exciting step for the racing industry and the many racehorses who suffer after their racing careers are over.  Many months ago, I had written to Mike Ziegler, executive director of the NTRA Safety and Integrity alliance, concerning the aftercare of racing thoroughbreds and despite the somewhat generic response I received, maybe after all I might have given them an extra "push" to make this new addition to their program a reality.

Click here to go to their webpage


A horse rescue run by criminals?

second chances farmThis article on WJZ shows how prison inmates are given a second chance to horses who need help. Many of the horses that are being rescued have had pasts in the racing industry and have been left to suffer.  This article was very insightful and gave me a new perspective on the hope for not only the horse's futures, but the criminals who are helping them.

An excellent article.


Another Breakdown in the Kentucky Derby.

As my assignments for my peace action project came to an end, this Saturday during the Kentucky Derby, yet another breakdown took place in the "most exciting 2 minutes in sports", convincing me even more that the need to implement even more laws concerning race horse safety is dire.  "Archarcharch" stumbled out of the starting gate and  fractured his leg.  He underwent surgery and is said to be recovering well and going straight into retirement.

How can these accidents be prevented? What more can the horse racing industry do to prevent these split-second life threatening accidents?

Read the New York Times article covering Archarcharch's breakdown